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The benefits

A facelift with Dr. Fenner can turn back the clock on facial aging. When done correctly, the procedure has the power to:

  • Tighten lax skin
  • Reduce heavy jowls
  • Correct droopy skin around the eyes
  • Restore a more youthful and elevated facial contour

Are You a Candidate?

  • The best facelift candidates are North Shore men and women who:
  • Want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles
  • Tighten lax skin on the face and neck
  • In good physical health
  • Have realistic expectations for what the procedure can accomplish
  • The skin must feature some of its natural flexibility so that Dr. Fenner can gently stretch the tissue to create new, youthful contours

Meet Dr. Geoffrey Fenner

Dr. Fenner is known for his conservative, refined technique and ability to help our patients age with grace and confidence. Rather than simply pulling the skin taut, which can appear artificial, Dr. Fenner artistically remodels the underlying tissue to restore a facial contour that is youthful, natural, and long-lasting.

Fenner Plastic Surgery

Types of facelifts

Dr. Fenner performs the full range of facelift procedures to help his Kenilworth, IL patients rejuvenate their looks. The best facelift technique for you will depend on the extent of your telltale signs of aging and the changes that are necessary to achieve your aesthetic goals.

Traditional facelift

The full, traditional facelift is our most intensive procedure. As such, it produces the most dramatic transformation. With this approach, Dr. Fenner can address signs of aging throughout the face, including fine lines around the eyes, sagging tissue around the cheeks, creases around the mouth and excess tissue beneath the chin. The surgery requires a lengthy incision that extends from the temples, around the ears, and down the neck.

Mini facelift

The mini facelift is ideal for younger North Shore men and women who want to correct the very first signs of facial aging. It requires small incisions along the hairline and behind the ears. Through those discreet openings, Dr. Fenner can elevate lax muscles, remove unwanted fat and trim away a limited amount of excess skin.

Mid facelift

The mid facelift targets aging tissue around the cheeks and beneath the eyes. The incisions are similar to those used during a traditional facelift, but they are deeper. It is ideal for Kenilworth, IL men and women who want to address relatively early signs of aging in the mid-face region.

Lower facelift

The lower facelift exclusively addresses signs of aging on the bottom third region of the face. It can correct heavy jowls, nasolabial folds, a lax jawline, and a drooping mouth. It tends to be the best facelift technique for North Shore men and women who primarily want to rejuvenate the neck and jawline.

Fenner Plastic Surgery

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The Techniques

Your facelift procedure can be performed using a variety of incisions, surgical tools, and techniques. Dr. Fenner will review the benefits of the following approaches during your initial consultation and help you determine which one is in your best interest.


An endoscopic facelift is performed using small incisions, tiny surgical tools, and a long, thin tube with a camera attached to the end (endoscope). To begin, Dr. Fenner will create several small incisions along the hairline. Through those openings, he will use small surgical tools to elevate the muscles and remove excess tissue. In general, this approach is ideal for Chicago men and women who need to correct lax muscles and unwanted fatty deposits but not excess skin.

SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System)

SMAS is a comprehensive facelift technique that involves restoring your youthful appearance by tightening and remodeling the underlying facial contours. Excess skin can also be removed using this approach. In general, SMAS lifting tends to produce a very natural outcome for our Kenilworth, IL patients.

Deep Plane Lift

The deep plane lift addresses the SMAS layer and the tissue directly beneath it. With this technique, Dr. Fenner can elevate the entire facial structure from the inside out. The deep plane lift produces extremely subtle and natural results and is appropriate for both our younger and older Chicago patients.


The S-Lift is most often used when treating telltale signs of aging along the jawline, neck, and lower face. It requires very small, S-shaped incisions in front of the ears, resulting in a shorter and less intensive recovery period.

The Recovery

Your personal recovery timeline will depend on the type of facelift you performed and the technique used. However, most patients are able to return home the very same day to begin the healing process. You can expect a moderate degree of swelling and discomfort after surgery. It’s important to keep your head elevated and take your pain medication as directed to minimize these effects. 

Taking care of yourself is the top priority during the initial recovery period. Avoid strenuous activities and walk lightly around the house to promote healing. In general, most of our Kenilworth, IL, patients are able to return to work and their normal daily routine within two weeks.

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Geoffrey Fenner is a sought-after facial plastic surgeon in Chicago. If you want to turn back the hands of time and re-discover your youthful face, we invite you to contact our office today and schedule a private consultation.

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