Dr. Geoffrey Fenner, an accomplished breast augmentation surgeon, boasts extensive experience assisting his Chicago clientele in attaining their desired bodily contours. His unwavering commitment revolves around delivering satisfying outcomes within a secure and welcoming atmosphere.
Breast Augmentation Recovery
Even with the top breast augmentation in Chicago, the surgical experience will require a substantial healing process. In general, you can expect to take one week off sedentary work. As you recover, it is essential to rest often and avoid bending at the waist, lifting heavy objects, and straining.
You can expect to experience some pain and discomfort during the first few days, though pain medication can manage these effects. We recommend having a friend or family member stay with you during this time to help with your care.
Post-surgical swelling that persists for several weeks is joint and to be expected. Once the swelling subsides, your results will be considered final. Your scars will be pink for a few weeks and can take several months to fade.
Top Recovery Tips
Rest and elevate: Take it easy and keep your upper body elevated to minimize swelling and discomfort.
Follow post-op instructions: Stick to your breast augmentation surgeon's guidelines for medications, wound care, and activity restrictions.
Wear supportive garments: Use the recommended surgical bras or compression garments to support and help with swelling.
Stay hydrated and eat well: Drink plenty of fluids and consume nutritious foods to aid in healing and promote overall wellness.
Avoid strenuous activities: Refrain from heavy lifting and vigorous exercise for several weeks to allow your body to heal properly.